
Happy Valentines Day, pals.

…or Singles Awareness Day, or Eat All The Chocolate You Want Day, or whatever you choose to call it. I love this day, regardless. It gives us a chance to take the time to tell the people you love that you love them!

I’m always reminded of a friend of mine who passed away a few years ago, right before we were going to start college. Today is her birthday, so I make sure to live the day with as much joy as possible. She was such a fun-loving person who genuinely cared for people — why shouldn’t I be the same way?

So, I decided to make simple valentines that just let people know the reasons why I love them so. Instead of boring you with some photographs, I decided to give you a stop motion video of crafting in action. It is my first one, so forgive me if you feel seasick after watching it.

enjoy. tell somebody you think they’re great today!